Episode 3. What is Salesforce distributed marketing Concept!

6 min readFeb 8, 2021


what is it really.. ?

Salesforce Distributed markting is a product from salesforce that allows you (as a brand) to provide sales agents, Distributors & partners power to utilize marketing resources, content and tools to enagage with their customers and provide same on-brand customer experience and engagement.

Which sectors can this prove really useful e.g. automative dealerships where in dealers can engage their direct brand customers in campaigns & also in the financial industry for finance advisors.

Audiences involved are: Corporate marketers, Sales Managers/ Sales agents and Partners (dealers, financial advisors etc.) using Community Cloud.

Ingredients to make a recipe: Salesforce CRM (sales or Service), Markting cloud Org. (take an email Template , add it to a Journey and use a data extension API event as data source)

Storyline → a) Sales Agents for a global automotive industry would like to use distributed marketing product for engaging their potentials (leads) into a specific campaign / journey. Also the same campaign — b) dealers would like to use to enroll their customers as well surfaced from community cloud.

Let’s do this together !

Marketing Side configurations

  • Login to your marketing instance and this is where we will create the enrich marketing content (emails,templates) — Typically in an industry this is the job of your corporate marketers.
  • Create a new email Template = content (email studio → Content → + Create Email Message; Select Email type as Template; take Hero 1 column)
  • Next, we create an entry event data extension,(Audience Builder → Contaact builder → Data extensions) see it like a table (this will hold the customer as soon as the customers enter the marketing cloud from Salesforce CRM cloud) follow the link to see columns required to setup DE.
  • Next, Once the content & data Extension is created, marketers will setup / design a journey for distributed marketing to engage with their customers.
  • Go to Journey builder, click new from scratch → include the API event (this is *imp) in the data source, select the newly Created Data extension and add email action to be triggerred from the journey once the contact(customer) enters into it, note: You can include multiple email actions or SMS or Ad campaign depending on your journey.,
  • Once done, validate your journey & activate it

That’s all from Marketing cloud side — we are ready from Content and setting up Tools perspective.


Now, the other spectrum of this is to utilize the outcome of above in Salesforce CRM.

  • For this login to your Salesforce CRM instance and first thing we need to do is install distributed marketing package in your org.
  • After your install this, we need to do setup few config elemnts (permissions and authentication) to connect this to marketing cloud org. Also on a side note: all Distributed Marketing permissions and permission sets have the mcdm_15_namespace prefix.
  • First open your user and assign the DM related permission sets (admin and standard ones both)
  • Next, in your console app search for distributed marketing admin and open
  • Now next step is to → Connect your SF org with your Marketing Cloud account. For this first we need Register and manage Marketing Cloud business units with Distributed Marketing. Select Add Business Unit, provide the name and username unique to your marketing cloud instance.
  • Once the business unit is provisioned , you will see an entry in the list above and a link to complete log in, click on that → it will open your named credential
  • Click Edit and save it, it will open authentication flow towards your marketing cloud, enter username and password for markeitng cloud and login. If you face any issue follow this to troubleshoot https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000349378&language=en_US&mode=1&type=1
  • Next, Open campaign Object, we create or edit existing a new lighting record page to add campaign messages component to campaign record. Drag the MCDM Campaign Messages component onto the page and activate
  • Now in Salesforce again, Act as a sales Agent → create a new campaign record and once created click on Connect Campaign in the Campaign Messages component.
  • Search for and select a Marketing Cloud business unit. & lastly Search for and select an active Marketing Cloud journey from the selected business unit.
  • Once done, journey is connected and you will see all the activities down there in the list.
  • If you like to personalize content, click on the small eye icon on right and scrren pop ups and poulls the mail content from mc-cloud
  • Now it’s time for testing, on the campaign record , scroll down to find campaign members relatd list and add your leads or contacts.
  • Once the members are added , click on segmented send or buld send button appearing in the campaign messages component, select your target audience (your members) from the list and click submit. It will send the contact/ lead to markting cloud and will be added to your Distributed markting journey.
  • Now the same thing can be done & utilized for your dealers/ partners using community cloud. They can fork the campaign from the campaign marketplace to create their child version (this is where campaign appears on community cloud)
  • Campaign marketplace- is a nice tile view for all the markting distributed journeys we have created & exposed for parnters. All that parnters have to do is add membrs to it and excute
  • Enroll their customers in the campaign, the same way as we did using sales agents and send them personalized content.

That’s all for today! Hope you learned somthing good. but did you wonder that we didn’t do anything for making messages personalized so how shoudl thisreally work.

Answer is using Content blocks which is an add-on utility one can add in their emails while designing content. But for this you need to install the packge in your marekting cloud org. follow this https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=sf.mc_dm_install_content_block_overview.htm&type=5

for more info: You can use the standard Distributed Marketing help and training documentation to set up, configure, and use Distributed Marketing

Thanks- Mohit




Written by Itsmem0h1t

Program Architect at Salesforce, 27x Certified

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