Episode 1. Integrate Twitter with Salesforce- Using Social Customer Service

5 min readFeb 7, 2021


Business case: Your buisness organization would like to integrate the power of Social Channels (fb, Twiter etc.) with your Customer service Org. running on salesforce platform.

Motivation: Everyone needs quick answers & resolution to their problems and therefore the trend is aligning more towards social channel., & hence to need for the business to incorporate & match changing customer needs.

What are we going to do: Today, I would like to show you super easy steps, how can you can configure your company’s social channel to connect to your Salesforce Customer Service environment.

Ingredients we need to prepare a recipe:

a) Salesforce Org. (sales Or Service) ,

b) Social customer service Starter pack OR your existing social Studio account, if any.

c) Dummy or your personal Twitter account

Follow these steps to enable and configure elements required in the setup.

Login to your sandbox where you have social customer service provisioned. pleas note this is not available to play around in your developer instance.

Next, navigate on to setup to → Under Settings Tab, enable Social customer service, turn it ON and save, Next on the same screen you see a link to “login to your social studio” account. Or you can also activate your SCS starter pack (allows only 2 accounts linkage)

In my case, I had an existing Studio account and hence I clicked login using social studio account and lands on to the below screen to login. Small note: you can also setup SSO to login to Social studio using your Salesforce CRM creds.

As you login, you will land back / redirect to your Sf org. keep in mind 2 important tabs a) social accounts →shows you all your connected accounts to social channels (twitter in our case) and b) Inbound settings → guides you through the process of handling your social content (crreting cases, leads , social personas and social posts)

For the purpose of the demo configuration, we will keep things very basics (just create social persona: basically the person who messaged and social post : record placeholder for social content).

Step 2: is to create a test new Twitter account with your corporate easy to recognize twitter handler that we will use in the step 3 below to connect Social studio with this new twitter handler.

Step 3: lastly steps needed in Social Studio

  1. let’s move on to social studio and setup a workspace and a social account we would like to connect.
  2. Login to social studio → First Step (if not done) is to create your own workspace to visualize social content (publish , engage and Analyze)

3. Hover over to your name icon in the right side and click to open admin panel, this is where we do all the account management activities. Click social Accounts, Manage Social accounts to add a NEW.

4. Select Twitter from the list of Social acounts and as soon as you do that , you would land on to below authorization page asking you to authorize Social studio to access your account on your behalf’s (your logged in user)

5. After successful authorization , you would see your twitter handler listed under social accounts in Studio.

6. Last step of the setup is to a send test / random tweet against your new corporate testing handler. For this, I login to my twitter personal acount and starts following my corporate handler and then send a test tweet.

7. Come back to Social studio and in few moments (almost secs) you would see your test tweet appearing in social studio account. Click on the Analyze Tab and select your workspace and you would see all the messages here.

8. From the Analyze tab, either you can reply directly to your customer’s message or If you would like to send this tweet to your Salesforcr CRM org. you can manually push it to SF. ( I have already created a macro in social studio, you can do this under engagement ) super easy.

9. To push the message to Salesforce manually, we create an engagement macro to execute and take action to send this to Salesforce.

10. wondering, howwww… ? If you would like to automatically push this rather than manually doing. there is a solution to it, https://rules.radian6.com/login

11. login to rules 6 account to setup automation rules to make messsage flow directly from social studio to Sf. (remember you need a super user account in social studio to be able to login to rules 6.

On a side note: Primarily it takes 3 steps -

  • Setup a Data source & Define connection frequency (real time / scheduled)
  • Setup Salesforce Connection under connections tab
  • Lastly, define Rules to set the desired actions.

Remember above 3 are super easy steps, I leave it to you guys to play around and set them up following the guide below, it won’t take more than 15 mins.

12. Traverse back to →Salesforce CRM to verify the record creation, search for Social Posts in your console. (you can also modify SF standard message handling behavior & define /configure your org. inbound settings with custom apex handler to create cases , leads etc. and link social posts)

Hope you guys enjoyed it !

for more info:

Setup social customer service (apex handler etc.)

Social studio automate

Thanks — Mohit




Written by Itsmem0h1t

Program Architect at Salesforce, 27x Certified

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