Episode 6. Salesforce API user ( Your technical | Integration user ) & underline common Best practices
An API integration is the connection between two or more applications, via their APIs, that lets those systems exchange data.
Standrd busines perspective:Client applications that access Salesforce through the API must first log in as a Salesforce user for authentication. For this purpose Always recomended to create a special user in your organization, solely for integration purposes. That way, if an actual user leaves your organization, you’ll always have a user with the correct permissions available.
This process consists of two phases. Phase 1 describes how to create such a Profile and Phase 2 describes how to create a User account with said profile.
Steps to configure
- Create an integration user in your organization with Administrative permissions, solely for integration purposes.
- Make sure to select the API Enabled and API Only User check boxes to allow an integration user to log in via API.
- A Salesforce API user must log in first for authentication.
1. Set up an API Only profile
- Go to setup →open exiting profile (standad read only)
- Clone it and give standard Salesforce License (user license = Salesforce)
- Set (assign) the relevant object(s) permissions
- Under administrative permissions, check API only (if you don’t want the user account to be allowed access to the Salesforce standard UI login)and
- To enable access via an API, select the API Enabled check box in the Administrative Permissions region.
2. Create user with ‘API Only’ profile
- Once the Profile is setup, create a user → setup → Manage users → New users (user license= salesforce & profile API Only) and Save, Done!
Some Do’s & dont’s
- Dedicate one custom profile for all API users
- Configure it by default with no access to all objects
- Have 1 different integration user for each external application/requirement interacting with your Salesforce org
- Assign all integration users to the same integration profile using a Full Salesforce licence if possible
- Create 1 Permission Set by external application or requirement
- ** Grant Field Level Security to the API users only through permission sets, as well as specific system and application permissions
- Assign the Permission Set to the corresponding user
- Using a system administrator profile to provide access to external application
- Creating multiple profiles per external application (leverage permission sets instead) No No: maintenance thik about it !
- Giving more than what’s really required. what can be done instead is: Do: →Try controlling access based on the systems in the landscape and requiring integration (data flow) and decide if per user in a unique combination with 1 permission set(containing actual objects permisions) would be better
Lastly as said above if mutiple systems are involved, try leverging permission sets (new user + permission set + but existing profile) to fine tune your access based what ‘s needed by the other system(interface)
for more info: please check Sf help doc
Also- To share there is very nice article i love it
Thanks- Mohits